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PhD Course

Coordinator of the course

Dr. Amedeo Manuello Bertetto Ph.D. (Aggregate Professor od Strcutural Mechanics)


SCuDO (school of doctorate), Politecnico di Torino

Dept. of Structural Geotechnical and Building Engineering


20 hours / 4cfu


Pass with merit


"Geesteswetenschappen op de planken"

Alle boeken die de geesteswetenschappers het afgelopen jaar hebben gepubliceerd.

In samenwerking met de Faculteit Geesteswetenschappen_Universiteit van Amsterdam

location: Amsterdam

language: Dutch

Review on [RE]FRAME in BOEKMAN magazine #111

"BOEKMAN, Kunst en de publieke ruimte"

Review by Peter Kuenzli

language: Dutch



"AIPAI Newsletter"

[RE]FRAME mentioned in Newsletter AIPAI (Associazione Italiana per il Patrimonio Archeologico Industriale), Nuova serie, anno 1, n.1, Marzo 2017.

language: Italian

link: AIPAI


"TAO News"

[RE]FRAME mentioned in Newsletter TAO (Transmitting Architecture Organ) #11, Marzo 2017

language: Italian

link: TAO NEWS

Guest lecture [RE]FRAME 2.0

"[RE]FRAME college tour"

On 17th March 2017, guest Lecture A participatory and interdisciplinary design process in the Master's programme Architecture, Academy of Architecture (AvB), Groningen,

Presentation of interdisciplinary and participatory design lab [RE]FRAME.


language: Dutch

Review by ArcheologiaIndustriale on [RE]FRAME


“[RE]FRAME. Ripensare la fabbrica”. Studio sul riuso del patrimonio industriale in luogo per lo spettacolo.

language: Italian


News Item NWO (De Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek) on [RE]FRAME

"gebruik collectief geheugen"

NWO publishes a news item about the book [RE]FRAME on their website: 

"Gebruik collectief geheugen theaterbezoekers voor herbestemming leegstaand fabrieksgebouw’"

language: Dutch

link: NWO News Item

[RE]FRAME book. Available Now!

"Unveiling [RE]FRAME"


Ripensare la fabbrica: la prospettiva dei fruitori nel processo di trasformazione De fabriek herontdekt: het perspectief van gebruikers in het transformatieproces

Autors Marline Lisette WildersEdoardo Mentegazzi

Book Paperback

Editor East Wind Academic Publishers

Year 2016

Pages 134

ISBN 978-9492509-00-0
ISBN 978-9492509-01-7 (e-book)

Language Italian, Dutch

Guest lecture [RE]FRAME

"[RE]FRAME college tour"

On 28th September 2016, guest Lecture User's experiences with the theatrical stage of transformed industrial heritage sites in the Course Audience and Visitors research, part of the  Master's programme Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Amsterdam.

Presentation of From Working Space to theatre space: the user perspective and design lab [RE]FRAME.


language: English

Exhibition [RE]FRAME 2.0

"[RE]FRAME. Ripensare la fabbrica"

The exhibition [RE]FRAME 2.0 took place from July 11st till July 16th at the Sala delle Colonne, Polytechnic University of Turin. During this event people could book a copy of the publication [RE]FRAME.​

link: Politecnico di Torino​

Exhibition Opening & Book Launch [RE]FRAME

"[RE]FRAME. Ripensare la fabbrica"

The exhibition [RE]FRAME showed the results of the participatory design lab [RE]FRAME. This interdisciplinary bottom-up design lab is an output of the research project From working Space to Theatre Space: the user perspective in which EMA took part as external research collaborator.

The opening of the exhibition took place on July 7 at the Unione Culturale Franco Antonicelli, Via Cesare Battisti 4, Turin. During this event we launched the digital version of the publication [RE]FRAME. 


              18.30 Exhibition opening

              20.00 Appetizer

              21.00 Book launch


link: Unione Culturale Franco Antonicelli

Question Time Restructura

"La figura dell'architetto nel mondo: quali prospettive?"

During RESTRUCTURA 2015, in Turin, Edoardo Mentegazzi was present at OAT Question Time, talking about the experience of being an Italian Architect in The Netherlands.

Focus Group OAT

"Rete Nazionale e Internazionale"

Since September 2015 Edoardo Mentegazzi is a team member of the Focus Group Rete Nazionale e InternazionaleThis group, inside the Register of Architects of the province of Turin (OAT), is focused on development and dissemination of expertise on international collaboration, practising the profession and/or starting an office abroad.

From Working Space to Theatre Space: the user perspective

"research project"

EMA took part from September 2014 to September 2016 as external research collaborator in the research project From working space to theatre space: the user perspective.


This NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research ) funded project, considers in what ways the conversion of abandoned industrial sites into permanent theatre spaces can re-signify the various values and meanings connected to these sites.


This project took place at the Polytechnic University of Turin (Italy).

link: From Working Space to Theatre Space

Behind Gridshells. Morphogenetic and parametric design strategies

"book presentation Freestyle 04"

The fifth edition in the Freestyle series took place on Friday the 24th of October, from 16.30 to 18.30 h at Mediamatic, VOC-kade 10, Amsterdam. where EMA + EGGWORKS presented their book Behind Gridshells. Morphogenitic and parametric design strategies.

"In Behind Gridshells architects Edoardo Mentegazzi and Joyce Kuiken explore the possibilities of Gridshells light and versatile constructions. They investigate design and construction methods, materials and take you on a journey around the world to visit 12 case studies. These gridshells show that their exceptional construction techniques result in light, seductive shapes and spaces, while being built with sustainable materials." BNA Onderzoek

Parametricism: The Act of Change in Architecture

"Movement in Architecture"

Wednesday 12.02.2014 EMA's article Parametricism: The Act of Change in Architecture is published in the volume 03, issue 01 of the journal for Architecture Archiprint released during the book launch at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). The thema of this issue is Movement in Architecture.

"Parametricism is a relatively new term in architecture. What does it mean and how does it influence the development of architecture? In this essay architect Edoardo Mentegazzi describes the growing role of generative algorithms as a parametric method used especially to create complex freeform structures, such as Gridshells."

Behind Gridshells preview

"Ontdek de geheime fascinaties van architecten"

Thursday 30.05.2013 at Loods 6, Amsterdam, EMA + EGGWORKS unveiled the preview of their research project Behind Gridshells. Morphogenitic and parametric design strategies​, during the BNA Onderzoekdag

La Scuola Mobile gepresenteerd en gepubliceerd

"Mobiel onderwijs: maatwerk per locatie"

La Scuola Mobile door EMA is een van de 6 ontwerpstrategien  voor de toekomst voor basisonderwijs in krimpgebieden die in het boek Scholen voor het Noorderland. Een toekomst voor basisonderwijs in krimpgebieden zijn gepubliceerd.

Op vrijdag 15 maart 2013 vonden plaats aan TU/e een tentonstelling van alle 6 onderzoeksprojecten en de book presentatie.


Mobiele school - Cluser school - Digitale school - De kracht van het lokale

The ground Plays gepubliceerd

"The grond als medium voor sociale-fysiek en geestelijke gezondheid"

EMA+ARM project The Ground Plays voor een "duurzame playground" is  in het "Inspiratieboek" van Richard Krajicek Foundation gepubliceerd

Herbestemming en uitbreiding Theresia Kapel gepresenteerd

"Hart van Hoogkerk"

Zaterdag 10 November 2012 vereneging Hart van Hoogkerk en Uitgeverij Westermare presenteren samen met buro EMA het project  voor herbestemming en uitbreiding van Theresia Kapel te Hoogkerk.

"Het plan behelst een aanbouw aan de rechterkant van de kerk. In de zijbeuk wordt een kantoor, toiletruimte en een keuken gerealiseerd. De zijbeuk krijgt een doorgang tot de kerk onder het middelste raam. Het publiek kan dan via de zijbeuk het gebouw betreden. De zijbeuk krijgt in het dak een lichtstraat zodat in de kerk het daglicht kan blijven vallen. De kerkbanken zullen grotendeels verdwijnen uit de kerk. Een aantal blijft behouden. Zo wordt de ruimte in de kerk makkelijker te gebruiken."

Casa WvdK gepubliceerd

"Een dynamisch gebouw aan de Rjochte Grou"

Artikel over het bijzondere architectuurproject Casa WvdK  in Leeuwarder Courant door architectuurhistoricus Peter Karstkarel.

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